Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Instrument of our Spirit

As I've recently come to realize my utter dependence on the Lord since I tend to mess up so much when I'm living by my own wisdom (or lack of it), and I don't have enough time to get wise before my children leave my home - I have been studying how to qualify for and receive personal revelation.  I'm coming to find that it requires constant effort and humility and that I have been living far below my promises because of my lack thereof.  I'm trying to get on the ball though!

I haven't been eating very healthy lately and I haven't been exercising very regularly.  To be honest, I've had so many other things that I've been working on that it just hasn't been a priority to me.  As I was studying personal revelation a few mornings ago, I came across this quote:
"Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit. In that marvelous revelation, the Word of Wisdom, we are told how to keep our bodies free from impurities which might dull, even destroy, those delicate physical senses which have to do with spiritual communication...teach your children to obey the Word of Wisdom. It is their armor and will protect them from habits which obstruct the channels of personal revelation." -Boyd K. Packer in Revelation in a Changing World
Darn!  I don't want to have to start thinking about eating healthy and exercising again.  I wondered if maybe he was was just talking about the "do not" parts of the Word of Wisdom, but it seemed to make sense that if we keep our bodies healthy, that we would be better able to hear the Spirit.  I was talking to my husband about this and he suggested we look up the promises in the Word of Wisdom itself.  We could both remember "Run and not be weary, walk and not faint", but that was all.  We read,
And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments...shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures" -D&C 89:18-19
I guess I never paid attention to that part because I wasn't really interested in hidden treasures of knowledge - but now that I realize that it's referring to the knowledge that comes when I am seeking personal revelation for my life, in guiding my children, in knowing what to study, in knowing what to teach, in knowing how to use my time - I'm very interested.  We've been doing okay, but I have been eating too much junk lately.  Knowing that the junk can interfere in the communication I am able to receive from God should be a pretty powerful motivator - now that I see how much I desperately need it!  Wish me luck!

(By the way, if anyone is looking for a cheaper way to eat healthy and you live in certain Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Texas or Washington areas - check out  - I order 2 baskets a week and find ways to use the produce I get.  We don't have to buy too much else at the grocery store and it saves us a lot of money).


  1. That's an excellent quote from Elder Packer. Just this morning my boys were complaining about "having" to go on a bike ride. We're trying, as a family, to exercise and eat healthier. I think they will enjoy this quote.

  2. Wonderful post. Gave me something to study and ponder on. Never thought of the connection but since you pointed it out it does make sense. So much do plan and do, so little time! Sigh, here goes! :)

  3. Haw! too :) My hubby and I have started "working out" at night time when our kids are in bed. It is fun...makes us feel like kids again working out together. I also have been soaking all my grains, beans, making my own yogurts and buttermilk and whey. It makes a huge difference for me in feeling full, fulfilled, and satisfied without cravings and junk. We even started making goats milk ice cream last good!
    I used to think that I couldn't find time, and it is still hard and pushes somethings out of the way, but the Lord takes care of the earth and it is temporal...we should also take care of his gift to us...our bodies....mabey after your six week break you should start ( he he :)) Mabey we should go walking early some you think Lazy would come down and we could visit while we take care of our temporalness :)

  4. I have really been in the same place lately! Eating too much junk, NO exercising and just feeling drab and under the weather. It feels terrible! It doesn't help that we need a new bed, that doesn't require me to sleep in a hole. LOL :D) Thank you for this post! Especially the part from the D&C. I am going to have to look that one up and ponder it! :)

  5. Healthy eating would be considered a highly eccentric interest in Orthodox Jewish circles. Is that true for LDS as well? Or do most people see LDS as requiring increased attention to eating healthy food?

  6. I'm not sure eating healthy would be considered something requiring increased attention - unless it is something that you do not do. Since we see our bodies as a gift from God - as a temple for our Spirits - then we should be trying to keep it healthy. I mention the "Word of Wisdom" in my post - you can read it here:

    It is a revelation about how to keep our bodies healthy. I really like this talk about it as well:

    I'm guessing it would be an eccentric interest in the Orthodox Jewish circles because it shifts the focus from God to self? I do see that as a problem for some people I've known - but what if we are keeping our bodies healthy for the purpose of drawing closer to God - I think that is how we can keep the focus in the right place. Not that I'm any authority on the subject - just my 2 cents.

  7. Good luck with your healthy eating! I was just reading the story of Daniel last night and you will like Daniel 1:17. It follow right along with the Word of Wisdom about receiving treasures of knowledge. Who doesn't want that???
