Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Task

There's nothing like finding a warm, cozy spot and settling down to read a book:

"The Task of Educators is to discover what an education is and then to invent the methods of interesting their students in it"- From "The Great Conversation" (an introduction to The Great Books).

I recently read this quote. I love it. I've been working hard this last year to try to figure out what an education is. I used to think it was having a great knowledge about math, language arts, music, art, history and science, but I don't think that's the crux of it anymore.

Anyone have any ideas?

Here's what I've come up with so far:

1. A good education builds a virtuous character - the most important thing I want to teach my kids is to be virtuous people. I want them to be hard-working, honest, courageous, truth-seeking individuals. If they are - they will learn those things of value for their lives and then use them for good!

2. A good educations provides an exposure to many beautiful, good, true things - so that when they encounter the counterfeit and false - they will know the difference.

I am learning to see that there is much beauty, goodness and truth in things like math, language, science, music, art, etc. I think my job as the mother is to delve into those subjects, find the inspirational within them, and then invite the kids to come and see.

I've learned through TJED that no one can force someone to else to get an education. I may be able to force them to learn something for a test, but it will leave them - it won't become part of them unless they choose it. All I can do is inspire them to do so.


  1. I can't believe how long Spice's hair is now! She is growing up so fast. And good for her for being brave enough to hold that big ol' spider.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on education. I'm glad you're starting a public blog so I can add it to my reader. I feel bad, but I never remember to check in on private blogs.

  2. I've been thinking a lot lately about what the most important things are that I need to teach my two boys about, and so I really enjoyed your thoughts on education.
    I, too came to the conclusion that a good character is paramount. Things such as emotional intelligence, empathy, tolerance, patience, a willingness to work, etc, are soo important. Obviously the regular school subjects are important as well, but like you said, what good is their knowledge of these subjects if they don't use it to do good things?

  3. Your kids are so lucky to have you as their educator! I need to get on the ball with educating my kids in this way - I love your thoughts about building virtuous characters.

  4. I forgot to say - I love that reading picture!!
