Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love Winter

I really, really do.  I love that there is a white blanket over all of the yard work. I love not feeling like I "should" be out and about.  I love that it gets dark early and we don't feel like we have to be out, but we can snuggle in bed and read and talk.  I love cuddling by the fireplace with the kids and reading stories!  I also love the occasional snow-ball fight.  Yesterday it snowed all morning and then it got sunny in the afternoon - it was a perfect day for playing in the snow:
Little Miss:

The boys:

Bud making a snow angel:

Bazinks trying it too:

Throwing snowballs:

Jumping in a snow pile:

Some of my favorite kids' quotes lately (I wish I could remember them all - I have to do like my friend, Joanne, does and write them down when I hear them!):

Rock was complaining about a how I got lucky cards when I beat him on "Ticket to Ride".  Spice corrected him, "Remember Dad, like Hermoine always says, 'it is in the wizard, not the wand.'"

We were watching a movie about the ancient Aztecs.  The narrator asked, "Who built these magnificent structures?  Where did these people come from?"  Bud replied, "Their mothers."

We were reading about Henry V and when I read, "He is one of the most famous English kings because a man named William Shakespeare wrote a play about him", Bud clapped his hands and excitedly exclaimed, "We know him!"

Bazinks sat on the couch and opened up a book to look at, and, out of nowhere, as he opened up his book, he carelessly said, "Mom, I like singing AND fighting."

I was reading to Bazinks from a Children's Book of Mormon about when the Lamanites buried their weapons of war.  He looked a little worried, then he looked at me and said (as he nodded his head and put on a wise face), "we like to fight with pretend swords, but that's okay 'cause we're just..." and he pretended to move his sword in his hand.  I said "Prentending?"  He said, "Yeah, we're just pretending." I thought it was cute that he cared.

Rays latest quotes:
(Spice recently got a digital camcorder.  If anyone knows an easier way to upload videos to a blog from a mac without having to upload them to youtube first, let me know!  I had just changed Ray's diaper, that's why he's half-way dressed)

A poem Spice wrote about not being able to to play in the snow:
I Wish I Could Be Out There

The wind is talking loudly
The snowman's hats are off
I am inside cleaning up my stuff
I wish I could be out there
talking wish the snowman new
and spying on it too.
I wish I could be out there
making big snowballs
But my mother sais to stay in side and do my chores of wiping down the walls
Oh how I wish I could be out there doing what I please!
I don't care at all if I catch a little sneeze!
Oh the winter wonderland looks so really fun and grand!
I wouldn't want to be at the beach playing with sand!
The beach is really got and the snow is really cold
but I wouldn't want to go from snow even when I'm old!
Here she is "being out there":


  1. I love winter too! As long as we can sit in front of the fire all day long and I don't have to go anywhere.

    Your children are adorable. I love that cute little squishy Ray!

  2. I love your kids! I can't stop laughing at their funny little quotes!! And I'm so glad you got little Ray on there, too - I love how he was just spazzing out with excitement. His little hands were just adorable.
