Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kindness (a look at our devotional)

I studied the word "kindness" today so we'll be talking about that during devotional.  I'll have the kids look up a couple of scriptures and the definition and then tell me in their own words what those teach them about kindness.  I'll have them read a couple of quotes from a talk or two, we'll look at a picture or video that represents the word and then I'll ask them to give me their definition of kindness.  Afterwards, I'll tell them mine.

That is how I've been doing our devotionals lately.  I've been learning so much and I think the kids have too.  It helps to do my scripture study in the morning knowing that I'll be teaching about it later.  Then I learn so much as I teach and let the children teach me.  I've really enjoyed it.

Here is our lesson on kindness today:
Children will look up:
-Kindness in the 1828 dictionary
-Jude 11:22 (One reason for kindness)
-John 13:35

Talk I'm having them read quotes from:
The Virtue of Kindness

"Kindness is the essence of greatness and the fundamental characteristic of the noblest men and women I have known.  It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes. Kind words not only lift our spirits in the moment they are given, but they can linger with us over the years."

"Kindness is the essence of a celestial life. Kindness is how a Christlike person treats others. Kindness should permeate all of our words and actions at work, at school, at church, and especially in our homes."

"The things you say, the tone of your voice, the anger or calm of your words—these things are noticed by your children and by others. They see and learn both the kind and the unkind things we say or do. Nothing exposes our true selves more than how we treat one another in the home."

"One way you can measure your value in the kingdom of God is to ask, “How well am I doing in helping others reach their potential? Do I support others in the Church, or do I criticize them?”
If you are criticizing others, you are weakening the Church. If you are building others, you are building the kingdom of God. As Heavenly Father is kind, we also should be kind to others."
“But,” you ask, “what if people are rude?”
Love them.
“If they are obnoxious?”
Love them.
“But what if they offend? Surely I must do something then?”
Love them.
The answer is the same. Be kind. Love them.
Why? In the scriptures Jude taught, “And of some have compassion, making a difference.”

My definition of kindness: The outward expression of the charity in our hearts


  1. I love your comments
    I need to be kind

  2. Thanks for sharing. I'm using this for family home evening lesson tomorrow. We have had some problems with the girls not being so kind to each other. Thanks so much for sharing! We miss you guys!

  3. Thank you. This is inspiring me to do devotionals with my children.

  4. I love all of your insights are such a wonderful mother. I wish we lived closer to each other so we could hangout!

  5. I love all of these posts you've been doing - so helpful. I think I'll be having a FHE on kindness tomorrow - we could definitely use it around here.
