Monday, January 7, 2019

Please come with me to Waking Warriors

Hi all! You have probably noticed I haven't been updating much! I just started a new blog and I'd love it if you could come read it and help me with it. I have felt very driven to share principles in a way that others could act and benefit from them in their own family. So I am doing a basic training program for parents (or others who have people they want to influence for good). I want to invite you to be in my "pilot group" to help me refine the program, so if you'd like to sign up (for free) and check it out and share any feedback, I would really appreciate it. And I think you'll get benefit from doing it too. If you sign up by clicking "join now" on the site before Friday, you will begin getting the assignments and emails right away and will be part of the pilot group. If you sign up after Friday, you will start getting the emails on the "official blog launch" on February 2nd - and I'll still welcome your feedback then too!

The new blog is

Thanks for following this blog. Many of you have been sharing a journey with me for a long time and I have loved having your support! You have taught me to find my voice and refine the message I feel to share. Love you!'

-Karen Bates

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