Sunday, April 20, 2014

He Believes in Me

I have had a lot of self-doubt lately.  There are only so many times that I can fail at my inspired goals - (for no good reason other than lack of self-discipline) before I start to want to give up on having goals. I don't want to keep failing.  It is easier to go through the motions and not face the reality that I am so weak.

But today, as I pondered on my Savior's love and the terrible pain He suffered for my sake, I remembered that I cannot give up on myself - He never would.

Choosing to give up would be like saying to Him that all that pain and suffering He endured for me was in vain.  I know He believes in me.  If He believes in me than I can trust that I can overcome.  I can trust that I can be strong through Him. And that His atonement has the power to strengthen me through my weaknesses. My weaknesses are gifts that help me grow closer to Him and rely more and more on His grace and love.

As I remembered this today, my heart was filled to overflowing with the peaceful assurance that it is true.  He loves me.  He believes in me.  He wants me back home.  He has provided the path - and that Path is always there for me. It is always there for each of us.

I will try to always remember.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't give up, dear friend. I love you and have been so blessed to have you as a part of my life. Keep sharing! Keep dreaming! I know it sounds cheesy, but there is a profound truth underlying the saying, "reach for the may never reach them, but you will reach a lot higher than if you never tried at all." I wonder if sometimes God gives us the goal to reach for just so we can get to that higher "half-way point" that we never would have thought of reaching for in itself. We think we failed and only accomplished half of the dream. He sees it as the fulfillment of what was really His goal for us all along :). Love you! Thanks for making me think! (Now to go and try to apply it to myself, right :)?)
